Saturday, August 14, 2010

Drive Back to Wisconsin

Aug 14, drive back to Wis.

I feel like I am traveling through a time warp from NY, to Ind., and to Wis. I was out on a mountain camping less than a week ago. Traveled to Ind. and spent 2 days where I grew up, and then today I drove through Indianapolis where I was born and spent the first 7 years of my life. And at the end of the day, I am back in Wis. where I have spent the past 40 plus years. And here I am in Janesville. A week ago this evening I was at Big Pond with 2 days to go on the hike. I am working on my inner reaction to all the changes. I am now in my house and looking at all the stuff sitting in my room, office, downstairs basement, and the garage -- all stuff I did not need the past 7 weeks while I was hiking. I need to organize this world I live in and simplify!!!

Sept 9th

It has been a month since I finished the hike. I was doing a search last night and learned that less than 20 people do a thru hike of the FLT and a total of 289 people have done a thru hike in the 48 year history of the FLT. No wonder I saw so few hikers.

The hike is still fresh in my mind, but my day to day activities are slowly crowding it out. I find that I am slow to put it behind me i.e. I just finished cleaning and repacking my gear yesterday. I still have not put things into storage. I am walking from 2 to 7 miles a day and my weight has stabilized at my post hike hydrated weight. I am sleeping less hours but that is how it always goes in a world of electric lights and visual intertainment. I have not started my search for next summers hike. I do know that I will do a hike somewhere. I still feel good. I even had a day where I felt totally at peace and calm. Then the noise of the world crowded the feel out of my awareness except for the memory.

I am sending a notice to my friends that my blog is completed now. Take care my friends, will be in touch.
Love  Garth

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